Inside-Outside: Studio ExPurgamento
10/06/20 16:00

Back in March/early April I was involved in this collaborative sound /moving image project, devised in association with 21st Century Music Practice Network (, in which five visual artists and five composers who didn't know each other were asked to produce a response to 2 minutes of each others work.
The participating visual artists were Alice Herrick, Yola Yolart, Andrzej Maria Borkowski, Chiara Ambrosio & Natalia Zagorska-Thomas. The composers in addition to myself, were Milton Mermikides, Agata Kubiak-Kenworthy, Eve Klein & Simon Zagorski-Thomas.
The first prompt was 'inside/outside' and coming just as everyone was adjusting to the shock of the global pandemic and lockdown life. My initial piece was certainly a reflection of this restlessness and frustration at confinement:
I was randomly paired with artist Natalia Zagorska-Thomas, and she responded to my audio work in this way (I can't embed it for some reason so click here to see it)

Her 2 minute video prompted my response, as follows:
The project was interesting in that it brought to the surface (for me, anyway), the differences in 'ownership' musicians and videographers/directors feel over their collaborative work.
If you like you can check out the full project, with all artists/combinations and their responses here:
Glowing Pains: Music From The Gardens Between
28/09/18 12:53

I was chuffed to be asked lovely musical friend and compatriot Tim Shiel to contribute some sonic and instrumental textures to his soundtrack for indie game 'The Gardens Between'. Now Tim has created an album's worth of music that incorporates elements of the soundtrack. You can listen to a preview and pre-order it in bandcamp.
Inspired by his work on the highly anticipated indie game The Gardens Between, Tim Shiel presents an album of rich ambient music that resonates with the game's core themes of time, memory and childhood.
Glowing Pains seamlessly weaves together elements from the game's otherworldly score with improvised contributions from many of Tim's closest musical friends from around the world, to create an album that is as gorgeous and as moving as the game that inspired it.
All music made by Tim Shiel with friends, in order of appearance:
Luke Howard: piano and drones on 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12
Wally de Backer: ondioline on 2, 4, 5, 7, 11
Biddy Connor: voice on 2, reverse viola on 9
Matt Ridgway: a bit of noise on 2, moog bass on 3
Eric J Dubowsky: voice on 1, 2
Andrew Phillips: synth on 3
Jacob Diamond: voice on 3
KAIAR: voice on 3
Eli Crews: Steiner EVI on 4, 5, 7
Liam McGorry: trumpet on 5
researcher: voice and production on 6
Leah Kardos: piano and synth on 7
mara: sounds and voice on 7
Rohan Long: upright bass and field recording on 9
Mid Hike: production on 10
Becki Whitton: reverse voice on 10
Lonelyspeck: voice and guitar on 12 -----